Extending trait FileFoundation::isResizable

Hey, I’m working with image formats currently not supported by mentioned function + F::isViewable - could I extend those using a plugin?


Where did you find F::isResizable()?

I am deeply sorry, I meant this:

Since being resizable or not depends largely on the thumb driver … why should Kirby set this in stone?

@texnixe It’s just that I don’t want to live with a custom Kirby version from now on :wink:

That makes sense!

I don’t know why this is hardcoded. What sort of files do you want to resize? If you use your custom thumb component, it won’t have to check if a file is resizable like the Kirby native component does.

Having said that, if I knew how to easily monkey patch this method, I’d tell you.

I find it very convenient letting Kirby handle thumbs and just telling it to do it with my thumb driver (being added to Darkroom::$types and enabled if ‚thumbs.driver‘ = mydriver), also I don’t want to break other plugins, that’s why I decided to leave the thumbs component untouched.

Only thing is, as I said, this only works if I tell Kirby that my file formats are resizable … I’ll be happy to provide the necessary changes via PR for the next patch release - nothing breaks if I add AVIF (or even HEIC, JP2 or stuff like that) what do you think?

Sure, this hard-coded stuff should at least be extendable, I think.

For future reference: Nolt feedback and GitHub PR.