I am trying to display the password of the users inside the Kirby dashboard. I have two types of roles: administrator and seller and I would like to display the password and a phone field.
Currently I have already managed to add storing the phone field in the dialog modal:
The password is not stored in the user content file (user.txt), but in a .htpasswd file, and it is in any case not stored in plain text but hashed, so displaying the plain password is impossible and doesn’t make sense.
That doesn’t explain how the field got there and if the data from that field gets stored in the user.txt file. If nothing is stored, nothing can be shown. Please look into your user.txt files.
If you edit the file that generates the dialog by adding a new phone name field, it loads correctly, I just haven’t been able to identify if it was saved correctly to display it.
If you start hacking the core, you need to make sure yourself to patch it in all the places and understand where the data is routed, so to add it in the right places.
I can only caution you here though, hacking those files will pose a difficulty when you want to update Kirby as your changes will be overwritten.
You are right, I had not considered the issue of updates, it was a whim of the client to put the phone in the dialog. In the end I told him that it was not advisable and I opted to put it as a fixed field within the user profile with his role.