Customize Debug Mode Error Message

Is there a (simple) solution to customize the text in the debug window? Maybe even display the logo or something similar?

Ok, that was almost too easy now :sweat_smile: Thanks so much Sonja!

This seems to work with templates.
Is there a way to customize the response message from a route, if there’s a php error?
In my JS-App I still get this, when making a fetch request:

// json response from route
  "status": "error",
  "code": 2,
  "details": null,
  "message": "An unexpected error occurred! Enable debug mode for more info:"

But I basically want to return this message (no matter if debug & whoops are enabled or not) only if a user/admin is logged in.

The only thing that might work is to enable debugging conditionally. But shouldn’t you handle such errors in your frontend app?