Changing page date based on date of first child

So I’ve gotten the hook activating but ran into a few issues.

Here’s is where the hook started, but this threw a few errors my way:

kirby()->hook('', function($page) {

if($page->isChildOf(template('series_visual'))) {
	$newPage = $page;
// this is the page which has the structure field type
$seriespage = $page()->parent();

// add a new entry to the array
$dateupdate[] = ['sortdate' => $newPage->date()];

// update the structure field type


And my blueprint code is currently this:

  	label: Most Recent Date
  	type: structure

I initially set the field to be date but it told me that was reserved so I switched the field to be sortdate.

Once I then created a new page under a page with the ‘series_visual’ template it threw me an error that the childOf couldn’t be a template - I am hoping to do this whenever I create a new child of any page that has that template rather than a specific page.

I changed that to be just page specific and I’m getting this error when I try to create a new subpage:

Call to a member function id() on boolean in file: /nfs/c01/h03/mnt/11800/domains/ on line: 807

If I switch the hook to be I get the same error when I try to save the subpage.

I’m sure there’s a myriad of things wrong with this, but I couldn’t find any solid documentation of the methodologies for these hooks so I’m working from this post: Kirby 2.1 Hook Usage- Creating Subpages

Many thanks for any help figuring this out!!