Bulk Builder field to Kirby Block 3.7 conversion

You’ve probably saved the Builder values as yaml so you need to replace json with yaml in the toData() methods.

We’ve adopted the above script to be executed as a CLI script and also reimplemented the convert function so it also works with Kirby 3.7. But this version lacks Support for converting Editor fields.

To run this, place this as convert_builder.php and run it with php convert_builder.php in the root of your Kirby installation. Please note: To convert nested Builder blocks you need to run this script with Kirby 3.6.


use Kirby\Toolkit\A;

require 'kirby/bootstrap.php';
$kirby = new Kirby();

$pages = site()->index(true);
$updated_contents = [];

function convertBuilderBlock(array $params): array
    if (isset($params['_key']) === false) {
        return $params;

    $contentOut = [
        'type' => $params['_key'],


    $contentOut['content'] = $params;

    return $contentOut;

function migrateField($page, $name, $langCode = null)
    if (!$page->content($langCode)->has($name)) {
        return false;

    $blocks = $page->content($langCode)->get($name)->toData('yaml');
    $converted = [];

    foreach ($blocks as $block) {
        $converted[] = convertBuilderBlock($block);

    if ($blocks === $converted) {
        return false;

    $page->update([ $name => $converted ], $langCode);
    echo "Updated {$page->id()} → $name ($langCode)\n";
    return true;

$count = 0;

foreach ($pages as $page) {
    $block_fields = A::filter($page->blueprint()->fields(), fn($f) => $f['type'] === 'blocks');

    foreach ($block_fields as $field) {
        $name = $field['name'];

        if (!$kirby->multilang()) {
            migrateField($page, $name);

        foreach ($kirby->languages() as $lang) {
            $langCode = $lang->code();

            migrateField($page, $name, $langCode);

echo "Migrated $count field contents to the native blocks format.\n";