Building user profile pages in Kirby 3

I suggested to use a model instead of this template stuff…

Create a members page in /content with a members.txtand then this model members.php


class MembersPage extends Page
  public function children()
    $usersPages = [];
    $users      = kirby()->users();
    foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
      $userPages[] = [
        'slug'     => Str::slug($user->id()), // or username if unique
        'num'      => $user->indexOf($users),
        'template' => 'member',
        'model'    => 'member',
        'content'  => [
          'title'    => $user->username(),
           // more fields here
    return Pages::factory($userPages, $this);


Then you can list them in your member.php template and the children work like a normal page with their own url.