Ive run into another issue when running the default image driver, GD. All my images in the panel are blurry and when uploading say a new footer jpg to test, its really blurry
the simple image lib will fail silently afaik in dumping the raw jpeg - thats what you see in the inspector. an avif extension but a jpeg mime detected.
enable debug mode, add a test.jpg to your /templates folder and this code to any template and try it manually.
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg(__DIR__ . '/test.jpg'); //read a jpg file
$i = imageavif($image, 'test.avif'); //save an avif file
Yes you are right, it seems AVIF image support is disabled on the staging server.
Which is weird because when I’ve done a var dump on the Home page, <?php var_dump(gd_info()); ?> to check if GD is running, it says it supports webp, avif etc. GD Version 2.3.3, Webp Support => true, Avif Support => true.
Look I’m happy as webp seems to working fine, that should keep Google pagespeed happy. Although for me Kirby 3.9.3 compresses webp way too much!
VPS seems to be the way to go for AVIF support though.