Append field content in another field

That’s no problem:

  // add the filter
  if(!empty(param('filter'))) {
    $filter = str::slug(param('filter'));
    $projects = $projects->filter(function($project) use($filter) {
      // split tags and convert to lowercase
      $secretTags   = array_map('str::slug', $project->filter()->split(','));
      $officialTags = array_map('str::slug', $project->job()->split(','));
      // check if one of the fields contains the tag
      if(in_array($filter, $secretTags)) return true;
      if(in_array($filter, $officialTags) && $project->isVisible()) return true;
      // neither field contains the tag
      return false;
  } else {
    $projects = new Pages(array($projects_portfolio_featured, $projects_side_featured));
  return compact('projects', 'filters', 'filter');