A digital library of 50,000 books

After doing some testing for myself I think it’s important to get the pages structure right. Kirby is fast even with a couple hundred pages on the same directory.

The total number of pages on the site doesn’t affect Kirby for things like these. It yields pretty good results.

I totally agree on Algolia for searching. For the other sections Kirby cache can handle them well.[quote=“hvsrmusic, post:4, topic:6356”]
Is this library something you will feed into Kirby and forget, or will it be updated frequently on the Panel?

The second one

The fact that the panel had such a great performance with ~ 65K pages totally blew my mind. I didn’t expect it! You can try for yourself.

Algolia is the way to go for this, specially if users can combine multiple filters at the same time. If you can do that directly from user browser to Algolia’s server with Javascript that would be even better. I used realtime search with Javascript for a client and Algolia’s server responds in < 80 ms. That would increase considerably if I were to put my server in between.

Please share the results you got when you are done with this project!