Structure field with image

is there a way to add images in a Structure field?


If I’m not mistaken, you cannot use Kirbytags within structure fields, the best way I know is by using a select field with a query option and then in your template use the find() method to find the image within the images of the page.

Ok, but i must create a member list with images. Is this possible with a select field?

Yes, sure, take a look at the docs You could also use the visual file selector plugin:

But I can then no longer write text to the image or?
Because that’s my problem. I have the image still a title and text.

You have two options: either add a meta file for each image or you add the information via additional fields within the structure field (if it is only one image per structure field)

Ok thanks i have solved it with meta files.

How you solved it with meta files?

How you can ad metadata to your image you can read this here:


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