Moving files in the panel

Hey guys,

today a client asked me if it’s possible to upload all files for a website once, and then move them to the corresponding sites – via the panel. The site will be rather large (about 200 different products with 5-6 corresponding files each (images, pdfs)), and the company has a rather slow internet connection (hard to believe, but it is true). So he planned to upload all files in the night, and then sort them afterwards when they are already uploaded. Of course it could easily done via FTP, but as he’s a rather untechnological person, I doubt that he’s willing to do that without the panel.

So – has anyone of you already had a similar situation, or has anyone an idea in mind how to solve that problem? Would be awesome!

Thanks guys,

That’s not possible natively using the Kirby Panel, but you could create your own “media management system” allowing the client to upload a bunch of files and set the page afterwards.

Since Kirby uses a simple directory structure, your system could simply move the files into their destination directories. If you want to have a more robust interface to the Kirby site, you can use the Kirby PHP API by including the Kirby bootstrap.php file in your application, loading an instance of the Kirby class using the kirby() helper and setting the correct path options (see the Kirby system.php file for an example). This makes it possible to access the site as you would normally.

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