Adding query to page blueprint field

I was wondering, is there anyway to filter the page field’s results in a similar way to select fields?

Here’s an example of a select field that fetches the children of the venues page. It’s a plain select field, so I can’t really search within the results of the select field.

  label: Venue
  type: select
  options: query
    page: venues
    value: '{{id}}'
    text: '{{title}}'

If I want to be able to search within the field, page works well as you can type in the field.

  label: Venue
  type: page

Problem with this solution, if I want to get venues’ children, I have to start typing venues/ first and then search for a page’s uid.

Is there a way I could extend the page field so that the query options works similarly to the select field? For example, if I start writing a venue’s title, it should give me suggestions without needing venues/ at the beginning of the query. Example blueprint:

  label: Venue
  type: page
  options: query
    page: venues
    value: '{{id}}'
    text: '{{title}}'


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